RezolveX App Subscription Service – Governance (Yearly)


Monthly subscription charges as per selection below

  + Initial Setup Fee   


  + Annual Technology update fee 


The above standard charges are included in the cart price along with the yearly subscription charges.

ReZolveX provides a hotline for employees to anonymously report fraudulent activity, safety issues, harassment and discrimination.

ReZolveX conducts independent investigations for your organization. We also provide you with recommendations on how to mitigate and avoid these workplace issues. At ReZolveX, we know that companies are operating on leaner budgets, tighter margins, and are here to help mitigate the added expense of fraud and other reputational risk issues from eating away at your hard-earned profit.

ReZolveX is a unique ethics and compliance hotline. Our Team is composed of retired federal agents, auditors and attorneys from agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Secret Service, and Federal Inspectors General.

The yearly subscription charges are based on the number of employees you select.

Employees Annual Subscription charges
1-50 $ 1,188.00
51-150 $ 1,788.00
151-250 $ 2,388.00
251-350 $ 2,988.00
351-450 $ 3,588.00
451-499 $ 4,188.00
500-750 $ 4,788.00
751-850 $ 5,388.00
851-1500 $ 5,988.00
1501-3000 $ 6,588.00